
This is how I feel many times in my life. I wonder what God's will is for my life, and then I begin to play these mind games with myself. "What if this?, what if that?" I am so concerned with making the right decison, with doing God's will, that I end up paralyzed. I tend to think that God's will is some sort of giant mystery, and if I don't get it right, then I have screwed up my life forever. I analyze every detail, think about every possibility, right up to aliens coming down, and end up stuck. Trusting God, making a decison, stepping out on faith seems so difficult. I am so afraid of failing.
All of that to say, I am learing to trust God more. He takes me places I would not have picked, and gives me a life I could not have dreamed of. His ways are higher than my ways. Not to say life is hunky dory, cause right now it is pretty difficult. But I trust, and will try to not stare in the puddle anymore.
P.S. Calvin and Hobbes is one of the best ever. Toss up between it and Far Side
erwin mcmanus has said: "the most dangerous place to be is in the center of god's will".....